Femme Forward
EUROPEAN BEST PRACTICE GALLERY Femme Forward Fast-tracking women into new tech careers and supporting successful female-led start-ups
EUROPEAN BEST PRACTICE GALLERY Femme Forward Fast-tracking women into new tech careers and supporting successful female-led start-ups
Second STEAM4Life infographic available Exciting news! The second STEAM4Life infographic has been published and is now available. Download your own copy and find out more about the issues of gender imbalance in European STEAM education!
Final Conference in Berlin: Invitation INVITATION The STEAM4LIFE project is coming to an end and will be hosting its final conference. DATE: 13.11.2024 TIME: 10h – 13h LOCATION: FHM Campus Berlin, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 3-5, 10587 Berlin, Germany CLICK HERE to access registration and join the online meeting
EUROPEAN BEST PRACTICE GALLERY ADA Fostering women’s entrepreneurship & employability in the digital business
EUROPEAN BEST PRACTICE GALLERY GENDER STI Gender Equality in Science, Technology and Innovation in Bilateral and Multilateral Dialogues