
Educational e-courses

Educational E-Courses The STEAM4LIFE educational e-courses for Higher Education educators and industry leaders are designed to educate and support users so that they are able to encourage their students, especially women, in interacting with the STEAM fields.

E-learning environment and OER

E-Learning environment and Open Educational Resources The STEAM4LIFE e-learning environment and Open Educational Resources: This result consists of pedagogical material, tools and resources. The e-learning environment includes training material, a career simulator for students and relevant Oepen Educational Res.

Guidance and mentoring programme

Guidance and Mentoring Program for women in STEAM This guideande and mentoring programme contains guidelines and educational materials for supporting industry leaders, Higher Education educators and leaders, and other relevant stakeholders. It supports them in gaining the necessary knowledge to successfully engage women in STEAM activities and in digital technologies, and to mentor women on … Read more